This line of wine includes red and white table wines, suitable for everyday use:
Poggio de’ Cipressi Red Wine
It is a rather light red wine, with an alcohol content of 11.5%, characterized by a light red color with ruby reflections, a pleasant taste and a fresh and vinous aroma. This wine is indicated in everyday meals, with dishes with not too intense a taste.
It is a fresh wine, to be drunk within a year from the date of purchase, and it is not suitable for aging.
We sugggest to serve it at room temperature.
Poggio de’ Cipressi White Wine
This is a light white wine, with an alcohol content of 11.5%, charecterized by a yellow color with greenish hues, a pleasant, not so intense aroma and a round taste.
It can be drunk chilled in everyday meals, and it is the right choice with all dishes in general, in particular with cold dishes of meat or fish, or with fish in general.
We sugggest to serve it at a temperature of 8 to 10 degrees.
This line is available in the classic bordelaise bottle, either in the lt. 0,75 and lt. 1,50 size.
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